
30 May 2024

God of the Night Watches

Received 20 May 2024

I saw what looked like an ancient city with large stone walls and gates. It was very dark except several torches blazing. It felt like 3am. Everyone but the watchmen were asleep. I knew this represented God’s people; the city of God (Psalm 46). Suddenly there were flashes of Light within the dwellings. Home after home lit up with Light as people slept. The Light shone upon and within the hearts of young and old. Some people awoke and worshiped; others continued sleeping. I saw heart surgeries taking place in dreams and visions, and ministering angels in many homes. The Light remained; it did not diminish, even as a new day began with the sunrise.

The Lord said, “In the midst of the unrest and shaking, watch how I take ground in the night watches. I am the Light that shines in the darkness just before the break of dawn; the Bright Morning Star rising in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19, Ps. 46:5). A new day is dawning. No longer will the enemy get glory and focus in the night. No longer will the nights be associated with confusion or terror, for they were created by Me and for Me. I am the God of the Night Watches.

Oh My people; in the midst of your sleep, I am setting you free from trauma and lies that have immobilized you. I am releasing ministering angels to free you from prisons. I am surrounding you with songs of deliverance (Psalm 42:8, Psalm 32:7). I shine in the midst of your darkness (Psalm 139:11-12, Isaiah 9:2).

Not only this; I’m also working throughout the night on your behalf. My people; you can sleep because I don’t. All through the night I am at work” (Psalm 121, Psalm 127:1-2).

Exodus 14:21- And all that night, the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land.

Invite the Lord to deeply minister and speak to you in the night. Take time to meditate on scripture before you go to sleep and when you wake in the night. (Psalm 63:6, Psalm 119:128). Expect the Lord to be at work in your heart and situation.

You may not remember what God speaks in the night, but may the fruit of night encounters with Jesus be evident in your life (Job 33:14-18).

-Received by Melanie