
27 October 2020

Help for the Victory

Received 22 April 2020

Monica Mfengus

I saw a vision of a man who was highly pregnant. You could see he was at the point of giving birth, laying down on the floor. A woman, whom I felt was a midwife, was pacing and pacing around the room.

I asked the Lord what does this mean?

The Lord reminded me of Barak and the prophet Deborah who was one of the judges of Israel during a time of oppression of the Israelites (Judges 4).

I felt the pregnant man was like Barak and the midwife was like Deborah. I felt God say that men are carrying something, but they need their Deborah’s to help give birth to it.

God is saying this to His Church, “I am raising up and revealing the Deborah’s of the Church, women of prophetic leadership, but they are not being recognised and given opportunity to help the Barak’s to reveal the will of the Lord. Yes, I have My Barak’s in this time, but they will not know My will until they listen to the Deborah’s.

“The Deborah’s are not to bring shame or disgrace to the Barak’s but walk along side with them. The Deborah’s are to bring relief and security through their mandate.

“And it’s time for the Barak’s to let their walls down and trust God prayerfully. To embrace change and seek understanding.”

Oh how beautiful is the unity of His bride. Oh dear Jesus, help us to honour those You bring to us.