Ephesians 3:20- Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.
2 Kings 4:1-6… Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.” She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing…
There’s an urgency to increase our expectation in this time; to up our faith and action, utterly convinced of who our King is. We need a burning zeal shouting; “I can’t wait to see what God will do!”
The Lord said; “You’ve put a full stop where I placed a comma”. This refers to where we’ve lacked perseverance, as well as when we partnered with God but we didn’t linger to ask; “What more do You want to do, Lord? I’ll wait until You’re done.”
There is always more to be found in Him! Don’t settle for less than His fullness! We try to box Him in our routines and chain Him to our lack of movement. NO! God will not be boxed in or chained down. He’s on the move. What He’s pouring out is above our wildest imagination; it deserves nothing less than our full yes.
Expectation is a currency God works in. Lord, increase our expectation for Your move both inside and outside the church! Shake us out of comfortable and familiar places. Make us desperate for You to be known!
Is your heart posture that of the widow who gathered many jars in active and hungry expectation? Are you watching, ready to partner with Him at any moment?
Ask Holy Spirit to increase your expectation.
Invite Him to upgrade your trust in His character and heal any past disappointments.
Receive fresh faith to grab more jars!
Step into your role of being salt and light today in His kingdom.
-Received by Sarah